Friday, December 17, 2021


 Song Title:  My P.O.V.

Problems that create themselves

I can't see it, smell it, taste it, feel it, hear it or know it imposes any threat.

From My P.O.V.  Leave It.  


The sun came up across the park down the street.  

The neighbors and the forestry keep themselves busy busy busy.

I got some stretches done after watching a marathon

Law Vegas casino employees take a trip.  Oh, man.

They come here to the Inn down the block.

The city two to the ocean where the cars can park.

The County closes the Feds are backed stay out of my yard

I don't want any oh that.  I'm just trying to bake

warm it up, warm it up, warm it up in the kitchen

warm it up, warm it up, warm it up in the kitchen

some cookies and pies to keep us all ya fed

Happy Holidays Nobody is Going Hungry Near Me ah ah ah

My P.O.V.

My P.O.V.

My P.O.V.

Beans and Celery stock in the crock pot.

I'm writing my song of the day "MY P.O.V."

The song has lyrics about how I see the world from my point of view.

I see the price of hair yellow has gone up by twenty five percent.

Does this increase my IQ?  or what?

Folks know how to draw on the line, and how to color in between.

It's a recipe that makes life so tasty.  Add some spice and salt.  Yep.

My P.O.V.

What was the question, again?

I listen to some lyrics a man wrote in the 70's about picking up a young college girl and driving her to San Diego for no reason other than he wants to sleep with her because he is drink out of his mind...

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