Thursday, October 31, 2019

You You You

Talk is Cheap
and So Is Wine
So, I Didn't Leave

It Was Just A Couple
Minutes To Mid-Night

The At Most Fear Atmosphere
Feeling Tight Last Call Lights

I Looked At Him,
"Timing is Everything, I Heard It Said."

You You You


Equal is not equal to Equal
The Balance of The Universe Is Fair
You Got Something To Prove
It's It's It's
You You You
I Dare

I do my jumping jacks, jimmy bows, dancing a tune
Man, I heard it, seen it too.  You!

I walk the walk and take the talk
I don't speak back
A woman smarter than you ever knew

Well, I'm sorry to learn about some other chicks
but it's, it's, it's

You You You


Equal is not equal to Equal
The Balance of The Universe Is Fair
You Got Something To Prove
It's It's It's
You You You
I Dare

I toss and turn in sleepless nights
wondering how you got away
Man, my heart is torn

You chew me up and spit me out
as a snack
Understand this is no joke

You got something to prove
it's it's it's
You You You


Equal is not equal to Equal
The Balance of The Universe Is Fair
You Got Something To Prove
It's It's It's
You You You
I Dare

Copyright 2000 Peggy Penny-all rights reserved-opt out

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